Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm gonna stop...

twittering for a bit... i never think about stopping my life to twitter, so i miss the chance to talk about the crazy shit i witness... then there's that whole 5th amendment self incrimination thing...

anyway... got a new strip up on the site... feedback for this one's been positive... goal is to create like 13 more before the end of summer... this way i can update it bi-weekly... that's the goal at least...

chapter 8 of Magic in progress... should have a preview up by the second week of August... launch still set for the 24... but coordinating studio time has been rough... will figure some shit out soon though and keep you folks posted...

building up a nice little video library too... not sure when i'll post those up... wanna do something to them... have to find time to tinker with movie maker...

volume 2's talking to me lately... in whispers and shadows... but it's definately there... should produce some thought provoking shit...

gonna check out rev manny's book release tonight in celebration of his debut Hustlers and the Idiot Swarm... also congrats and shout out to sarah taney humphreys on her recent deal for her Amoveo series...

i haven't read either book... but i always support artist making positive waves...

feeling positive energy this week...

--end transmission--

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the shout out... it was great seeing you there!
